
Robertshaw 190-069 Wall Thermostat Guards

Robertshaw 190-069 Wall Thermostat Guards
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Robertshaw 190-069 Wall Thermostat Guards

Robertshaw 190-069 Wall Thermostat Guards

SKU: 190-069
Quantity Price Stock
Usually Ships 1-2 Weeks
Usually Ships 1-2 Weeks
$16.12     /ea
Usually Ships 1-2 Weeks
Features: The 190 Series Thermostat Guard Kits are designed to give complete enclosure protection to the thermostat. They have air circulating ports on all four sides to ensure ample air circulation for proper thermostat operation. Each guard has a permanently attached eight-tumbler type lock, and each kit is supplied with a key. Key design permits use of a single key or multiple installations. Extra keys are available separately ? order 40-857. Guard kits are available with two mounting base types: solid or ring (see ordering chart). When using the ring base models, the guard can be mounted to the wall without removing the thermostat.

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