
Honeywell L8124A1015 Multifunction Gas Aquastat

Honeywell L8124A1015 Multifunction Gas Aquastat
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Honeywell L8124A1015 Multifunction Gas Aquastat

Honeywell L8124A1015 Multifunction Gas Aquastat

SKU: L8124A1015
Quantity Price Stock
Usually Ships 1-2 Weeks
$396.21     /ea

Honeywell L8124A1015 Multifunction Gas Aquastat

Immersion-type controllers that combine high limit protection with low limit and circulator control in forced hydronic heating systems, including domestic hot water service.


  • Immersion-type controllers that combine high limit protection with low limit and circulator control in forced hydronic heating systems.
  • Provide multizone control by using a separate circulator and R845 Relay for each zone.
  • Include diaphragm powerhead and Micro Switch™ assembly that respond to temperature changes in boiler water.
  • Mount directly to boiler.
  • Select models include large transformers and extra terminals for supplying power to low voltage zone valves.
  • Require 24 Vac thermostat with heat anticipator set at 0.2 A (plus current draw of gas valve on L8124E).
  • TRADELINE models include tube of heat conductive compound and range stops.
Hazmat Information UN 1294, TOLUENE, 3, II
Application High Limit Protection, Low Limit and Circulation Control
Maximum Safe Operating Pressure 200 psi on outside of immersion well, 100 psi on capsule if inserted directly.
Voltage 120 Vac
Operating Temperature Range (C) High Limit-- 54 C to 116 C adjustable; Low Limit-- 43 C to 104 C adjustable

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